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The Full Moon on January 13th is in Cancer and the New Moon on the 29th is in Aquarius. Mercury is still in Sagittarius until January 8th and then it will be in Capricorn until January 28. Venus travels in Pisces from January 4 through February 4. Mars retrograde in Cancer until April 18th. Jupiter is in Gemini until June 9. Saturn is in Pisces until May 25. Uranus retrograde in Taurus Until January 29. Neptune is direct in Pisces and Pluto is in Aquarius. And The North Node’s epic shift into Pisces and the South Node’s shift into Virgo on January 11 marks a monumental turning point for the collective. 

For the next 18 months, we’ll be guided to embrace creativity, spirituality and surrender (Pisces vibes) while releasing the need for constant perfection and over-analysis (Virgo shadows).                             

This nodal axis reminds us that life isn’t always about doing — it’s about being. Whether it’s letting go of unrealistic expectations or leaning into the flow, the Nodes are here to teach us balance. 

When Mars retrograde, it depletes the vitality so that it is never a time to initiate. *Whoever initiates loses*— a new project, a great love, an argument or a lawsuit. With a new project, it will fizzle out and never really go anywhere. With a hot romance, it too fizzles and it rarely gets to a serious commitment. With an argument, the hostility will come back to haunt you later.                                                         

In legal matters, stoke your opponent into initiating the lawsuit first. It will be etched in granite that they will lose. During this cycle, never buy anything mechanical unless it is heavily insured! Office machinery and computers easily break down.

It’s also connected to wars, nuclear events or disasters, assassinations, terrorist acts, extremist manifestations, racism or discrimination, fires, shipwrecks, smog, and pollution

We want to clarify our daily and monthly horoscopes are general for all zodiac signs and do not take into account of your personal natal chart.  For a personal reading click here

Aquarius:  On December 30th, the last New Moon occurs in Capricorn energizes your twelfth solar house of closure and healing. New moons mark beginnings, but the twelfth house rules endings, making this one a bit of a paradox. Our advice? Honor the transitions in your life.

Sometimes, closing one door is your access to opening another. Gently release an outmoded situation, and welcome new adventures—even if they take time to fully reveal themselves.

Need to bring more ease to your life? This would be the perfect time to start a meditation or yoga practice.

A new moon is active for weeks and months afterward. However, new moons are the strongest in the 10 days after they appear.


The next New Moon on January 29th will be in Aquarius, is your birthday gift from a loving universe. This new moon will open up possibilities and bring forth several exciting new opportunities.

This New Moon brings you to the point where you can commit to your new solar year, the future and the journey ahead.

Thanks to the positive aspect with Jupiter, fully opening the doors and windows to the future in a way not seen in decades, it truly is the first full day of the rest of your life. There are so many changes in the air that all your senses will pick up on.


From January 8th through April 18th, this long Mars in Cancer cycle affects two areas of your life.

The first covers your job, your daily routine, or the domestic work you do at home.

The second area covers your health, fitness, and well-being. In both areas now, you will make progress backwards.

This cycle is about the jumping-off point between the past and the future, going back and forth until April 2025. You’ll either take small hops, now, or huge leaps. Yet it’s on rewind and in reverse, so allow for it.


Pluto is with you now and until 2044, so you’re not exactly pushed for time.

This long cycle will dramatically change the amount of control and influence you have, in terms of your title, appearance and reputation.

The changes will come as a result of dramatic turning points involving other people’s position.

Expect some final chapters, which alter everything forever. And… expect some amazing breakthroughs too – the kind which give you powerful status and influence – using willpower.


Many people never get a chance to experience Pluto in their own sign. Pluto will have the power to help you change your looks dramatically.

You will see yourself differently, so this will be an outer manifestation of what is happening within.

Aquarius, you're the sign of independence and rebellion, scientific innovation, and progressive social change.

You may be drawn to work within groups (a very Aquarian method of working) to help segments of society who suffer and need awareness and funding.

You will become shrewd with managing money, for Pluto is a big money sign. You will learn more about investing, negotiating, and persuasion, and you’ll become more perceptive about others’ motivations.


Money: Having Venus in Pisces, from January 4th through February 4, you are able to attract just what you to buy what you value, or gifts of things that you need.

Someone close to you may support you financially while you follow your heart's desire.

Your values around money and possessions may be changing and if you have less than usual you don’t mind (unless other chart factors add stress.)

You trust that you have enough resources and are happy to spend less as you have gained something that boosts your self-esteem, or have more time to do what you love.

During these 4 weeks period, you can balance your budget and still spend on pleasurable things.


Saturn and Neptune are also in Pisces until May 2025, which will bring mixed feelings about sales, purchases, business transactions, rentals and other financial issues, will characterize with this double cycle (Saturn/Neptune) in Pisces.

Thus, in terms of money, houses, flats or precious possessions – you can move forward when you realize there are contradictions.

This entire cycle in your life will probably feel like climate change. New possibilities, people and plans will open up that take you in a different direction.

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