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The Full Moon on February 12th is in Leo and the New Moon on February 28th is in Pisces. Mercury is in Aquarius until February 14th and from February 15th to March 3rd, Mercury will be in Aries. Venus is in Aries for a long period from February 5 to March 27 (due to its retrograde movement in March) Mars retrograde in Cancer until April 18th. Saturn is direct in Pisces, Uranus is direct in Taurus, Neptune is direct in Pisces and Pluto is direct in Aquarius.

We want to clarify our daily and monthly horoscopes are general for all zodiac signs and do not take into account of your personal natal chart.  For a personal reading click here

Capricorn:  Lucky and expansive Jupiter sails into Gemini and in your sixth solar house of work until June 2025. Major new work and job developments are ahead.

The 6th house rules "daily work" so your office environment, or whatever is your usual daily experience will have a boost from the lucky Jupiter.

Problems with co-workers or employees have a great chance of finding resolution.                        

If you are unemployed and want to have work, the odds of this happening dramatically increase now. If you are self-employed, your business has a great chance to BOOM. 

If you need to hire people, Jupiter is on your side. If you have been busier than you wanted to be with work, Jupiter's presence here can offer a wonderful reprieve.


Money? If you've been meaning to hold an important financial conversation for some while, you might be inspired to go ahead over the next two weeks.

Until February 14, a connection between the radiant Sun and logical Mercury as they sail together into your sector of resources, could be the catalyst. Out of this, you may glean new perspectives on your money picture and what you might do to improve matters.


The last New Moon on January 27th occurred in your second solar house of core values and sense of ‘wealth’. What is it, inner and outer, that makes your feel secure? Find a balance between structure and spontaneity.                                                                                                 

Reflect on the state of work, home, and finances and focus your energy on mundane things. Also, ready your resume and perfect your pitch. You could land a promotion or field an enticing job offer in the next six months.


This Full Moon in Leo on February 12, falls in 8th solar house associated with finances and shared possessions. This can include shared finances with a partner, inheritances, taxation, insurances, and loans from institutions.                                                                                                     

A Full Moon in the 8th house may signal endings and culminations in these areas of your life.     

This Full Moon could manifest as the finalization or end of a joint property matter such as a divorce settlement or the dissolution of a business partnership.

The 8th is also associated with inheritances so this could be a time when an inheritance being finalized. A loan, taxation or insurance matter may also be completed at this time.


Mars retrograde in Cancer? The real deal for you concerns an association or a relationship which is suddenly going to be the spotlight, call it duet or duel, though.                                        

Now, more than at any other time this year, Mars would like you to re-examine the feud or the relationship, so that it becomes something you can both act on, definitely, later on.                    

This person may have been around you forever, or they have just come into your life since September.

It all depends on how much you are prepared to give to each other, in terms of time, tolerance and tact. Understand that you are at different stages of your lives, or at different points in your development – and accommodate that.                                                                                                     

Be this feud or marriage, it is stop-start until April 18 2025. A challenging phase in an old partnership can also begin now. Even if you’ve been with this person for years, destiny will throw you together in a new phase – together or apart – for a reason. Don’t push. Don’t pull. Do give. Do take. Do be flexible with Mars.


Power comes from willpower again, as February brings Pluto back in Aquarius for good.        

Your cash, business, property and possessions make this an important, if rather emotional, period, in 2025 - 2026.

You can learn a lot from anyone who requires paying at this time! Similarly, if it’s you who requires payment, you can discover a great deal from who (or what) makes you feel like this. It’s time to be strictly business-like. Park emotions.

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