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Monthly Horoscope for April


The New Moon (first total solar eclipse of 2023) on April 8th occurs in Aries and the Full Moon on April 23rd falls in Scorpio. Mercury travels into Aries and will remain until May 14th (due to his retrograde motion. On April 6th Venus enter into Aries and will remain until April 29th. Mars sails into Pisces until April 30th.  Jupiter is in Taurus until May 25. Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026. Uranus is direct in Taurus. Neptune is direct in Pisces and Pluto is direct in Aquarius.

When a planet is retrograde in our charts, it means that the properties of that planet, in a sense, are reversed. The times that Mercury goes retrograde defines a time for us to slow down and go within. Think about what is happening in our lives and where we are going. Most of us see this time as an annoyance, but once again, Astrology is a tool and we need to use the time for our benefit.

Generally speaking, during a Mercury retrograde, we can expect delays, traffic situations, problems in communications (especially with telephones and cell phones), computer problems, delays in mail, and we never want to sign any contracts or legal documents, especially long-term ones. We don't throw logic completely out the window, if something needs to be taken care of and is of an urgent nature, we don't put it off, we just do what we need to do and see what unfolds.

All Aries and Libra are affected by this solar eclipse. Personal life is the most likely area to suffer, especially your closest relationships. The effect of a Solar Eclipse can last up to six months even years, so allow yourself to be acutely aware of all that you set in motion the day before, the day of and the day after the Eclipse!

   We want to clarify our daily and monthly horoscopes are general for all zodiac signs and do not take into account of your personal natal chart.  For a personal reading click here

Gemini:  On April 8th, the New Moon in Aries (Total Solar Eclipse) occurs in your 11th solar house of friendship, teamwork and networking are in place and now it is just a matter of them all coming together. At the same time that the Moon is close to Mercury (your ruler) and Venus, creating some serendipitous conditions.


Already there is a need to expect the unexpected, especially when it comes to finding yourself in the right place at the right time. Something else is pulling the strings. For the next six months, this going to be a time for networking going to business events making new connections and friends. 

The Full Moon on April 23rd occurs in Scorpio and in your 6th solar house. For the next two weeks following by this Full Moon, life is calling you to pay attention. Whether it's your work routines, your diet or your exercise regimen.

There's a certain amount of tension between your longing to focus on higher and deeper things, and your need to attend to the little things that provide you with stability and grounding.

Let the dreams go for the moment, and focus on what is commonly (although perhaps misleadingly) known as reality. You need to find a bit more balance between your inner and outer worlds.

Venus sails into Aries from April 6th to April 29. It's a good time to have friends over for a party or to go out with a group of friends to have a good time. You will greatly enjoy each other's company and will be much more loving and affectionate towards each other.

This benefit is not limited to activities with friends. Any situation in which you are dealing with many people in a group, such as a business conference or organizational meeting, is favored now. Your ego energies are low enough that you can deal pleasantly with others, while still making the necessary compromises.

On top of that, Mercury (your ruler) is also into Aries and in your 11th solar house of groups/friends and project until May 14. During that time, you will tend to think about your goals and expectations in life.

You will examine your ideals to find out exactly how well they have served you and to what extent you have attained them.

You will have more verbal and intellectual exchanges with friends and with other groups that you are associated with. Talking over your problems with friends will be especially helpful in reaching an objective viewpoint.

But keep in mind that Mercury retrogrades from April 2nd to April 25, and this is concerning your friendships, social life and groups? You can find you signing a club membership on Monday and facing lost paperwork on Friday (as an example).                                                                                        

Are you single? You’ll get an incredible amount of information about the person you want in your social life now, just by talking – or Googling. Yet it may change. If your priority is your friend, you’ll be amazed at how much you can find out about his/her situation by waiting. This is what happen when Mercury retrogrades in your third house.

Work: Mars sails into Pisces and your tenth solar house until April 30th. This transit only happens every couple year, so take advantage—and reach fearlessly for your highest goals.

Go the extra mile with your presentation and give it your all—whether you're competing for a plum account or claiming the spotlight.

Caution: Mars can ramp up tension, so a boss or client could be especially demanding. You may have to put in extra hours or work your magic on a tight turnaround time.


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