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Utilizing astrology for personal development, self understanding and enlightenment.
In astrology, each planet has a very specific function. The Sun, it is 'soul' that transmits an idea to Mercury, which shall forward it to Venus, who feels things. Then Mars puts into action and expresses this idea. Jupiter, in turn, give the expansion, and finally Saturn puts it in place.
Monthly September Horoscope
The New Moon on September 3rd occurs in Virgo and the Full Moon (lunar eclipse) on September 18th falls in Pisces. On September 10th Mercury going back into Virgo and will remain until September 26. Venus is in Libra until September 23. On September 5th Mars enters into Cancer and will remain until November 4. Jupiter is direct in Gemini. Saturn retrogrades in Pisces until November 14. Uranus retrogrades in Taurus until January 29th 2025. Neptune retrogrades in Pisces until December 6th and Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn until January 19.
This is the first lunar eclipse in Pisces-Virgo Axis, the second one will take place on March 14, 2025 (total Full Moon lunar eclipse in Virgo-Pisces Axis. All Virgos and Pisces will feel these coming eclipses until August 2026. Or if you have other factors in your natal chart in these signs, you will still feel the same energy.
All eclipses, whether solar or lunar, have the potential to change your circumstances. Eclipses are expressed through a crisis of some kind, whether it is a real crisis or not, it may feel very real to you. Many times, a new beginning involves letting go of something from the past, whether it be a person, a relationship, an object, or a behavior. This is especially true during a lunar eclipse.
It’s important to remember, however, that eclipses won’t make anything happen that wasn’t meant to be—eclipses don’t create new circumstances, they just accelerate the plot lines of already existing narratives. We do not need to be scared of eclipse season. Not only are these celestial happenings inevitable (we experience four to seven eclipses every year) but they actually help you access your destiny.
This lunar eclipse on September 18th will affect people with personal planets and points at 20 to 30 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) and 0 to 1 degree of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) the most significantly.
We want to clarify our daily and monthly horoscopes are general for all zodiac signs and do not take into account of your personal natal chart. For a personal reading click here
Libra: With the Sun, the New Moon and Mercury in Virgo? New moons mark beginnings, but the twelfth house rules endings, making this one a bit of a paradox. This is a month of review, letting go, and recharging one's spiritual and, in effect, physical "batteries".
Focus, now, is on fulfillment through service, empathy, and awareness of other's needs; but it can also be a time of withdrawal and some sort of retreat in a social sense, depending on your personal and natural predisposition. Some kind of soul-searching is in order, and the urge to find some level of emotional peace of mind will be apparent.
This is a more sensitive position of the New Moon, and it is best to find some sort of peace for the soul to get prepare for the next New Moon in Libra (solar eclipse) on October 10th and your first solar house. Next month will bring more active, and busy period than this one and for months ahead.
Over the next six months, your everyday life could undergo some serious change due to this Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18th and your sixth house of routines, habits, responsibility, and health. You will more aware of how your daily routine impacts your overall well-being, you’re ready to kick bad habits in favor of healthier ones.
You may also be wrapping up a major commitment or project at work or with family, allowing you more time to focus on yourself again. This is an important time to honor your boundaries in your close relationships.
As loving Venus sails in your sign, you'll start asking for what you want—and more importantly, what you need. Venus is here for her annual visit until September 23, helping you lovingly but firmly assert your boundaries. Don't put up with people not pulling their emotional weight.
With the love planet in your sign, you've got star-powered permission to playfully explore your options. In a relationship? You might ask for a little more freedom and trust from your partner, so you can explore your creative pursuits without racing home just as the muse arrives.
Taskmaster Saturn retrogrades, backing up through Pisces and your house of health and fitness until mid-November. Mix up your workouts with streaming classes and outdoor treks. Clean up your diet and eat more plant-based meals.
Saturn's backward journey may force you to create savvier systems at work. In addition to pleasing the powers that be, hold any support staff accountable so you don't get shafted with their duties. Stay strong, Libra, and channel your frustrations into those workouts!
You’ll now spend a few months with Pluto Retrogrades in your fourth solar house of home. You may have to do home repairs, renovations, furniture, domestic appliances, gardening equipment – or more ambitiously, you’ll be researching the property market, as a sale, purchase, mortgage or lease will be on your agenda. It’s the perfect time to go on a fact-finding mission.
Mars in Cancer will stir things up with your career, unpaid role or academic career until November 4th and you’re going to need to manage everything properly.
Do watch out for that slightly deranged gleam in your eye. You’re all fired up now – or others are. That can create a chain-reaction all by itself. You’ll have strong convictions, firm beliefs, mad missions, or big issues. Or…they will.
As always with Mars, ask yourself if you’d do this/say this anyway, even if you weren’t feeling so wired or fired up. Or they were!
Remember, if you don’t work, this also applies to your regular lifestyle and routine at home. Willpower is power.
Uranus retrogrades until February 2025: Even if you wished to stay where you were, in terms of your former ideas and beliefs about money, destiny will have a way of moving you on.
The budget changes you move to now have a fated part to play in taking you to the next level.
One specific financial, charity, property or business connection in your life could do more to liberate you, than usual.