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Monthly Horoscope for April


The New Moon (first total solar eclipse of 2023) on April 8th occurs in Aries and the Full Moon on April 23rd falls in Scorpio. Mercury travels into Aries and will remain until May 14th (due to his retrograde motion. On April 6th Venus enter into Aries and will remain until April 29th. Mars sails into Pisces until April 30th.  Jupiter is in Taurus until May 25. Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026. Uranus is direct in Taurus. Neptune is direct in Pisces and Pluto is direct in Aquarius.

When a planet is retrograde in our charts, it means that the properties of that planet, in a sense, are reversed. The times that Mercury goes retrograde defines a time for us to slow down and go within. Think about what is happening in our lives and where we are going. Most of us see this time as an annoyance, but once again, Astrology is a tool and we need to use the time for our benefit.

Generally speaking, during a Mercury retrograde, we can expect delays, traffic situations, problems in communications (especially with telephones and cell phones), computer problems, delays in mail, and we never want to sign any contracts or legal documents, especially long-term ones. We don't throw logic completely out the window, if something needs to be taken care of and is of an urgent nature, we don't put it off, we just do what we need to do and see what unfolds.

All Aries and Libra are affected by this solar eclipse. Personal life is the most likely area to suffer, especially your closest relationships. The effect of a Solar Eclipse can last up to six months even years, so allow yourself to be acutely aware of all that you set in motion the day before, the day of and the day after the Eclipse!

We want to clarify our daily and monthly horoscopes are general for all zodiac signs and do not take into account of your personal natal chart.  For a personal reading click here

Libra:  On April 2nd through May 14th, Mercury sails into Aries and your seventh solar house of relationships/partnerships.

For the next ten weeks, every conversation could simmer with the promise of discovering a hidden synergy. And if you join forces with the right people, you could elevate your game big time!

This is an extended cycle due to a retrograde from April 2 to April 25.

During those three weeks partners from your past may revisit, including exes. Careful though!

Some fires were extinguished for a reason. Don’t assume or guess at any kind of finishing line until Mercury goes across the same spot in your chart on May 14. Until then, your sources are unconfirmed and possibly unreliable. People change their minds. Printers stop working. Telephones, computers and the internet can fail. Grids can lock. You know it!

The New Moon (first solar eclipse of 2024) on April 8th occurs in Aries and activates your seventh solar house of relationships.

Over the next six months, this is put the focus on partnerships, marriage, customers, contracts and either pulling this bringing all new energy to start these connections or realizing you're going to have to make adjustments to really work on these partnerships or marriage issues.


On the top of that, Venus, the Sun and the North Node are together in Aries, relationships teach you a lot and you could find your balance and inner peace by your better half’s side.

Unofficial relationships might go into a long-term revision process; unpleasant discussions might be resumed, but they could have a transformative effect on you and your better half.

It would be ideal to lean on each other both when it comes to common goals and personal ones.

This month, some Libras decide to get married and take on more responsibilities in the couple.


Pluto is about power and control. Pluto is sailing into Aquarius for the first time in 248 years, as you are in your Fifth Solar House of love and children. This new cycle (until 2044) where the bedroom, seduction, pregnancy, babies, children, teenagers are part of larger issues.

Do your best to avoid finding yourself in a new situation where a power struggle (e.g. child custody or grandparents funding private education) could continue until 2044. I don't invent anything. Pluto is there until 2044.


Work/Money:  On April 23rd the Scorpio Full Moon occurs in your second solar house: Money matters may make a big claim on your time and energy, and some hard decisions may be needed about whether to hoard more, share more, or devote more (or less) time to your material security.


A change in your work, a sudden demand on your resources, or the successful fruition of a project, may make you think about the use you're making of your talents and your long-term security goals.

If money matters are plaguing you (and even if they aren't), it's an excellent time to consider how you really feel about your progress in life and whether you have made full use of the gifts you have been given.

With Mars in Pisces (your sixth solar house), if you have a full-time or part-time job, a burning career issue will turn up now. You’ll feel fired up – passionate! Alternatively, it may be your boss, client, colleague or professional rival who starts hyperventilating.

As with all Mars in Pisces Cycles, the things you do and say now are vital, because they will have a domino effect on your career, unpaid work, housework, gardening, everyday chores and the rest. Health is a big one. If you are too ill with mental or physical health problems to work, then this is also a huge question now.

Remember, if you don’t work, this also applies to your regular lifestyle and routine at home. Willpower is power.

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