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The Full Moon on January 13th is in Cancer and the New Moon on the 29th is in Aquarius. Mercury is still in Sagittarius until January 8th and then it will be in Capricorn until January 28. Venus travels in Pisces from January 4 through February 4. Mars retrograde in Cancer until April 18th. Jupiter is in Gemini until June 9. Saturn is in Pisces until May 25. Uranus retrograde in Taurus Until January 29. Neptune is direct in Pisces and Pluto is in Aquarius. And The North Node’s epic shift into Pisces and the South Node’s shift into Virgo on January 11 marks a monumental turning point for the collective. 

For the next 18 months, we’ll be guided to embrace creativity, spirituality and surrender (Pisces vibes) while releasing the need for constant perfection and over-analysis (Virgo shadows).                             

This nodal axis reminds us that life isn’t always about doing — it’s about being. Whether it’s letting go of unrealistic expectations or leaning into the flow, the Nodes are here to teach us balance. 

When Mars retrograde, it depletes the vitality so that it is never a time to initiate. *Whoever initiates loses*— a new project, a great love, an argument or a lawsuit. With a new project, it will fizzle out and never really go anywhere. With a hot romance, it too fizzles and it rarely gets to a serious commitment. With an argument, the hostility will come back to haunt you later.                                                         

In legal matters, stoke your opponent into initiating the lawsuit first. It will be etched in granite that they will lose. During this cycle, never buy anything mechanical unless it is heavily insured! Office machinery and computers easily break down.

It’s also connected to wars, nuclear events or disasters, assassinations, terrorist acts, extremist manifestations, racism or discrimination, fires, shipwrecks, smog, and pollution

We want to clarify our daily and monthly horoscopes are general for all zodiac signs and do not take into account of your personal natal chart.  For a personal reading click here

Libra:  The last New Moon on December 30 occurred in Capricorn and puts the focus on home and family matters, but in a way that is all about the future, new beginnings and the journey ahead.

New Moon is an opportunity for new beginnings, a fresh start or just to draw a new line in the sand, for growth and opportunity on the home front.

Yet if you look towards future goals and aspirations, focus on the ends rather than the means.

Over time you will figure out the 'when, where and how'.

P/S: A new moon, like this last one on December 30, is not influential for just a week but for weeks and months ahead.


The Sun (until January 19), will shine a torch into the most closed-off areas of your daily routine at home, so prepare yourself for this. The advantage for you? Total clarity. No confusion, no illusions.


You will be able to look at your lifestyle and wellbeing, your work or study ethic – as the world sees it. You may feel a little naked, but you will also be updated. It’s a wake-up call.

The Sun, exposes everything during this period, so that other people are a mirror.

This is a great time to catch up with yourself and to enjoy some self-care when you have the chance. You may find you have more people calling around for coffee and a chat, or even unexpected visitors who enjoy your company. It's an opportunity to spend quality time with your family too.                                                                                                                                              

You are able to voice your innermost thoughts this month, and you should if you feel that something must be said.

Venus (your ruler) sails into Aquarius and your 5th solar house of love until February 4. On top of that, the next New Moon in Aquarius on January 29th is also in your fifth solar house of love, self-expression and children. Set clear intentions for your love life, and watch them unfold in the coming six months. 

A proposal or pregnancy is possible, or you may "birth" a creative idea that blossoms into something major.                                                                                                            

January is a good month for fun, entertainment, having a good time. Where Venus goes, good things follow.

Mars retrograde in Cancer? From January 7th through April 18, the focus is on your career, or your social status, or your ‘position’ in the world. But – for months until April 18, you are going to be seen purely in terms of your business card, your achievements, your success, and your mission.


Mars in your Tenth solar house; Saturn in your Sixth House will do that. If you’re getting it right or wrong, you’ll know about it, Libra.

This is a crucial period for your name, reputation, CV and success rating, showing you what’s what. Lower the stakes. The same trends apply to you if you are retired, unemployed or have full-time home duties.

Mars Retrograde in the Tenth House puts career delays in your diary, or stop-start with unpaid work, academia and the rest. Can it cause problems? Of course, it can.

But let’s start with what’s good about this cycle! It’s about beta testing until April. And – first attempts, particularly in relation to your job, your role, your mission, or your ambitions.

From this year and for years to come, Pluto sails into Aquarius and in your sector of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne challenges to the very core, so you can find what you are really made of.

It is these qualities which will empower you now. It’s also common to go through experiences which give you incredible control and influence at this time – you could become the kind of person who finds the reins, by using self-control. So, find yourself as you really are.


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