As featured and recommended in The Oprah magazine "O" go to destinytarot.com to get
your personal reading" Thank you Oprah!
Utilizing astrology for personal development, self understanding and enlightenment.
In astrology, each planet has a very specific function. The Sun, it is 'soul' that transmits an idea to Mercury, which shall forward it to Venus, who feels things. Then Mars puts into action and expresses this idea. Jupiter, in turn, give the expansion, and finally Saturn puts it in place.

Destiny Tarot presents Johanne's new Money book. An illustrated guide of Tarot forecasts specifically for money, work, business, the stock market and legal matters. You receive instructions on how to read five different tarot card spreads on these subjects. The book includes more than 1000 different card combinations and their interpretations. Simple to learn and easy to use. Methods never revealed until now! Instantly become a tarot card reader and uncover the hidden truth through the power of the tarot. Johanne uses the twenty two major arcana of the Tarot. This method is very direct and precise. You will become proficient and comfortable with the results very quickly.
To order your Money Spread Book in .PDF format for only $5.95 click on the PayPal button below
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In this book, here is an Example of The YES and No answer Spread: (A simple method to answer a specific question)
How to proceed:
Select from your Tarot Deck (major arcana) the following three cards from the 22 major arcana.
1) The Magician (arcana # 1)
2) The Strength (arcana # X1)
3) The Hanged Man (arcana # X11)
Place these three cards in front of you, face down, and mix them well with both hands.
Concentrate on your question and choose only one card from the three cards. The question asked is the following: Will I win at this trial?
If your card is The Strength, your answer is positive, “yes”.The Strength means success. Luck is definitely on your side right now, shining brightly. Everything is working to your advantage. Whatever you wish to have, you will get it. Guidance: This card suggests the importance of recognizing your tremendous inner strength and calling upon its mysterious potency to see your problems be revolved on their own.
If your card is The Hanged Man, your answer is negative “no”. The Hanged Man means a disappointment. Remember that you have the power to overcome any difficulties just by reclaiming a position of command. Yielding to the will of others and sacrificing yourself is uncalled for. The end of the tunnel can only be seen if you are determined to change your outlook on your situation. Guidance: This Hanged Man suggests the importance of accepting "what is", of going with the flow. There are points in life where some sort of inactivity is much needed.
If your card is The Magician, your answer will be positive, as long as you put forth effort. The Magician is a positive answer as long as you do not neglect the situation. This card means that you need to put forth the necessary effort. As a result, expect a positive outcome from your initiatives. Guidance: This card suggests the importance of decisive action as well as focused concentration. Come to term with the painful memories of your past. Be aware of your abilities. Openly express all of your skills and talents. Show how capable you truly are. You’re number one!