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Monthly September Horoscope

The New Moon on September 3rd occurs in Virgo and the Full Moon (lunar eclipse) on September 18th falls in Pisces. On September 10th Mercury going back into Virgo and will remain until September 26. Venus is in Libra until September 23. On September 5th Mars enters into Cancer and will remain until November 4. Jupiter is direct in Gemini. Saturn retrogrades in Pisces until November 14. Uranus retrogrades in Taurus until January 29th 2025. Neptune retrogrades in Pisces until December 6th and Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn until January 19.

This is the first lunar eclipse in Pisces-Virgo Axis, the second one will take place on March 14, 2025 (total Full Moon lunar eclipse in Virgo-Pisces Axis. All Virgos and Pisces will feel these coming eclipses until August 2026. Or if you have other factors in your natal chart in these signs, you will still feel the same energy. 

All eclipses, whether solar or lunar, have the potential to change your circumstances. Eclipses are expressed through a crisis of some kind, whether it is a real crisis or not, it may feel very real to you. Many times, a new beginning involves letting go of something from the past, whether it be a person, a relationship, an object, or a behavior. This is especially true during a lunar eclipse.

It’s important to remember, however, that eclipses won’t make anything happen that wasn’t meant to be—eclipses don’t create new circumstances, they just accelerate the plot lines of already existing narratives. We do not need to be scared of eclipse season. Not only are these celestial happenings inevitable (we experience four to seven eclipses every year) but they actually help you access your destiny.

This lunar eclipse on September 18th will affect people with personal planets and points at 20 to 30 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) and 0 to 1 degree of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) the most significantly.

We want to clarify our daily and monthly horoscopes are general for all zodiac signs and do not take into account of your personal natal chart.  For a personal reading click here


Pisces:  This month, the emphasis is on relationships (business or romantic). There may be a marriage question as well as an opposition, however, you’ll be talking about it for weeks. Thinking harder about how to balance the scales, too. During this month, it’s not hugely unusual for people to part company now, but also to take up with new partners. So maybe this is your story.

The Virgo Sun will illuminate and expose all the corners and Mercury in Virgo will nudge you towards paperwork or some kind of digital conclusion.


The Virgo season in general will kick off the discussion, open up the opportunity to investigate the facts, and set the agenda with a duo or duel for the rest of 2024. This is your chance to examine how far you handled the duo well and where things are going, so get ready for it. The advantage for you? Total clarity.


Fortunately, a fresh start on September 3rd, when the only Virgo New Moon occurs into your seventh solar house of one-on-one partnerships. Are you ready to make things official—or at least to consider a contender? A promising business or romantic connection could take a turn for the serious.

But no need to rush this month! This will develop over the coming weeks, if not months, since the New Moons have a six-month window.


Use this month to clarify and explain an issue to someone with whom you are intimately associated in daily life, such as your spouse or a business partner. It is also good time for consulting a specialist on any matter that concerns you. You should not think and plan alone or unassisted. You need another person's consciousness and response to your ideas and statements in order to get a clear perspective on your thoughts. 

The central question now for a single Pisces now is, ‘Should I get back out there again?’ and only you can provide the answer. It may be the case that you have chalked up so many months and years (or lifetimes) of Virgo season experience with a particular person or situation, that you can’t see the point.

Yet, astrologers prefer people to try harder when the Sun in Virgo is with you.

And, even if a complicated situation is in the picture, perhaps it’s time that you admitted the reason you’ve reached this point in your life, is to use it as a launch pad in September.

It’s time to put yourself first! The lunar eclipse in your sign on September 18th moves through your first house of self, new beginnings, and personal ambitions. You’re feeling less concerned with what others need and ready to focus on yourself. This is a karmic time to re-establish balance in any connections where you’ve downplayed your needs or desires.                                                                                                                

If you’re single, you could enter a new partnership, and if you’re coupled, you might make a plan for the future… or alternatively, decide to walk away from a connection you’ve outgrown. 

This is a sensitive and personal time for you, but as you embrace your feelings, you’re creating space for new beginnings to blossom. Personal goals you set for yourself under last fall’s solar eclipse in your sign may also begin to manifest.

With Venus in Libra and in your eight solar house of transformation until September 23, you are about to come face to face with strong feelings about an intimate relationship. This may cause you to seriously question your own needs and desires when it comes to marriage and commitment.

Questions surrounding finances and sharing of material resources are also likely to arise.

Mars into Cancer, heating up your health and wellness zone until November 4. Get ready to nix any bad habits that have crept in over the past few months (or years)—smoking, junk food, negative self-talk.

If you live a sedentary lifestyle, find ways to bring movement into your day. Swap processed foods for live or local options. If you need an extra shot of motivation to get started, hire a trainer, perhaps for a few group sessions with friends.                                                                                                                   Caution: Mars can add stress, so choose your battles and don't get caught up in perfectionism. Pace yourself when you exercise, as impatient Mars could cause a pulled muscle or a sports-related injury if you're not careful.



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